Sunday, September 29, 2013

10th Anniversary of Publication of BSYAWYD

September 29, 2013

The 10th anniversary of publication of  Beltsville Shell: You Are What You Drive

It has been a great 10 years:  renewed friendships, locating lost buddies, reunions, and great times.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this marvelous ten-year cruise!

1 comment:

  1. When I bought the book it was to show solidarity and support. I had it for a while and then decided I had to take a look at it. As I got the gist of it from the cover notes, I thought: "I don't know any of these guys so how can I be interested in this?" Then I started the book AND COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! What a great story and what a great storyteller!

    Bob Vollmar
