Sunday, August 25, 2024


 Someone just got their personalized license plate.

No explanation necessary!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bill Hatch - 67 Years with the same 1957 Corvette

This week we celebrated another milestone in Bill Hatch's long ownership of the 1957 Corvette that he purchased new on August 12, 1957 -- the 67th Anniversary of his Corvette ownership.

I've written about Bill and his 1957 Corvette many times -- the blog post link below provides all the history you could want!

History of Bill Hatch's 1957 Corvette 

This year Bill celebrated by driving the car to the local In N Out Hamburger store with his wife, Marylyn, and his daughter, Lisa. 

Nan and I came along for the occasion.


Two days later, Bill's ownership was recognized by Corvette Mike's weekly newsletter, "Thundering Thursday".  Below is the article:

I'm still throwing out the challenge I initiated in 2019 (5 years ago): "Can anyone find a purchaser of a new Corvette who has continuously owned that car for a period of time longer than Bill Hatch -- 67 years and still counting?!!"

Keep driving the Corvette, Bill and Marylyn!

Love, Cary & Nan


This Week's Owner's Corner

We are wishing Bill a happy 92nd birthday. Bill has owned the above 1957 since he bought it on August 12th 1957!

Bill wanted a new car and had his mind set on the (now) classic 1957 Chevy BelAir.  The salesman informed Bill that Chevrolet offered a sports car.  Bill saw three Corvettes on the lot and chose the black car with the red interior.  It was "basic" -- three speed manual transmission, the base 230 HP 283 CU IN engine, and removable hardtop. Bill purchased the Corvette for the total price of $3,430.72.  

The Corvette has been an integral part of Bill’s life ever since.  Bill used the car as his daily transportation commuting to work on weekdays and visiting the beaches of the greater Los Angeles area on weekends to join his friends in beach volleyball pickup games. Bill was still driving the Corvette as his only car when he met his future wife, Marylyn, and took her for her first Corvette ride on her first date in 1961. Romance blossomed into true love, and ultimately marriage. Bill and Marylyn left for their honeymoon in 1962 in the Corvette.  Marriage led to a family (two daughters) which frequently leads to the concern for practicality. Bill gave consideration to selling his cherished sports car but each time he discussed it with Marylyn she would talk him into keeping their first date car.

At 92 years old, Bill still enjoys driving his survivor weekly, and on short trips with his local Corvette Club – North Coast Corvettes.  Bill probably holds the record for the longest running ownership of an original purchaser of a new Corvette.

Story sent to us by Cary T.